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【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】种族、政治和公司表现:基于马来西亚的实证研究

[发布日期]:2016-11-01  [浏览次数]:

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Available online 12 October 2016


作者: Ferdinand A. Gul (Deakin University, Australia), Sa’adiah Munir ( Monash University, Malaysia), Liang Zhang (Monash University, Malaysia)


Ethnicity, Politics and Firm Performance: Evidence from Malaysia

Ferdinand A. Gul (Deakin University, Australia), Sa’adiah Munir ( Monash University, Malaysia), Liang Zhang (Monash University, Malaysia)


Motivated by the inconclusive evidence on the role of ethnic diversity of directors and the limited research, this study examines whether there is an association between board ethnic diversity in Malaysian firms and firm performance. We find that the association between ethnic diversity of boards and firm performance is non-linear; at low levels of ethnic diversity there is a positive association but at higher levels of ethnic diversity, the association is negative. However, when we split the sample into politically and non-politically connected firms, we find that this association only holds for non-politically firms. Further, when we split our politically connected sample into Malay and non-Malay dominant boards, we find generally, that in both groups of firms, board ethnic diversity does not influence firm performance. Overall, these results suggest that the presence of political connection could undermine the role of ethnic diversity in influencing firm performance.



上一条:【JFE】赌博性偏好和个股期权回报率 下一条:【CFR】再探实质和非实质信息的市场反应
