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[发布日期]:2016-12-09  [浏览次数]:

The Journal of Finance, Volume 71, Issue6, December 2016, Pages 2861-2904


作者:Rui Albuquerque (Boston College; CEPR; ECGI), Martin Eichenbaum (Northwestern University; NBER; the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago), Victor Xi Luo (Northwestern University), Ser Gio Rebelo (Northwestern University; NBER; CEPR)


Valuation Risk and Asset Pricing

Rui Albuquerque (Boston College; CEPR; ECGI), Martin Eichenbaum (Northwestern University; NBER; the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago), Victor Xi Luo (Northwestern University), Ser Gio Rebelo (Northwestern University; NBER; CEPR)


Standard representative-agent models fail to account for the weak correlation between stock returns and measurable fundamentals, such as consumption and output growth. This failing, which underlies virtually all modern asset pricing puzzles, arises because these models load all uncertainty onto the supply side of the economy. We propose a simple theory of asset pricing in which demand shocks play a central role. These shocks give rise to valuation risk that allows the model account for key asset pricing moments, such as the equity premium, the bond term premium, and the weak correlation between stock returns and fundamentals.



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