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[发布日期]:2016-12-23  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Empirical Finance ·VOLUME 26·MARCH 2014


作者:Dimitris Andriosopoulosa (Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Strathclyde), Dimitris K. Chronopoulosb (School of Management, University of St Andrews), Fotios I. Papadimitriouc (School of Management, University of Southampton)



Can the information content of share repurchases improve the accuracy of equity premium predictions?

Dimitris Andriosopoulosa (Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Strathclyde), Dimitris K. Chronopoulosb (School of Management, University of St Andrews), Fotios I. Papadimitriouc (School of Management, University of Southampton)


We adjust the dividend–price ratio for share repurchases and investigate whether predictive power can be improved when constructing forecasts of the UK and French equity premia. Regulations in the two largest European stock markets allow us to employ actual repurchase data in our predictive regressions. Hence, we are able to overcome problems associated with markets characterised by less stringent disclosure requirements, where investors might have to rely on proxies for measuring repurchase activity. We find that predictability does not improve either in a statistical or in an economically significant sense once actual share repurchases are considered. Furthermore, we employ a proxy measure of repurchases which can be easily constructed in international markets and demonstrate that its predictive content is not in line with that of the actual repurchase data.

Keywords: Stock return predictability; Dividend–price ratio; Share repurchases; Economic value



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