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[发布日期]:2017-03-01  [浏览次数]:

Critical Finance Review, 2017(Forthcoming)


作者:James W. Kolari (Texas A&M University), Seppo Pynnonen (University of Vaasa), Ahmet M. Tuncez (Texas A&M University)



On long-run stock returns after corporate events

James W. Kolari (Texas A&M University), Seppo Pynnonen (University of Vaasa), Ahmet M. Tuncez (Texas A&M University)


Bessembinder and Zhang (2013) show that long-run abnormal returns after major corporate events detected by the BHAR method using size and book-to-market matched control stocks can be explained by differences between event and control stocks’ unsystematic and systematic characteristics. We find that their results are mainly driven by the normalization of firm characteristics, which was intended to make estimated regression coefficients comparable. Unfortunately, their normalization procedure implies incremental non-linearity and randomizes regression relations. These effects influence the slope coefficients, potentially bias alpha, and materially inflate its standard error, which causes even economically large alpha estimates to be insignificant. Revisiting their regression analyses shows that, even though the event firms and their controls differ in terms of various characteristics, these differences do not generally eliminate abnormal returns as measured by alphas.

Keywords: Abnormal return; Long-run event study; Characteristic normalization; Merger and acquisition; IPO; SEO; Dividend initiation



上一条:【Financial Analysts Journal】开放式基金定价的低效率 下一条:【JCF】过度自信与投资:一个实验方法
